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Computer labs

  • Computer labs are freely available during non-class hours.
  • Online single-day reservations are available from the first day of the semester to the last day of the semester.
  • Online single-day reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance, including the current day. If the class no longer requires the use of the computer lab, please cancel the reservation online or fill out the Computer Lab Service Application form.
  • The computer labs managed by the IT Center have legally licensed campus software installed based on the teaching needs of the scheduled classes for the semester. Please refer to the software installation overview for each lab.
  • Only legally licensed campus software can be installed in the computer labs. Trial versions, pirated versions, and personal licensed versions are not allowed.
  • If there is a need to install other legally licensed campus software, please fill out the Computer Lab Service Application form. After getting approval from the department chair, submit the application form and software to the Information Applications Group at the IT Center at least 30 working days before the semester starts.
  • To protect students' class rights and maintain teaching quality, please avoid submitting last-minute software installation requests at the start of the semester. If software installation is required after the semester starts for unavoidable reasons, the IT Center will assess the necessity. If deemed feasible, installations will be carried out during non-class hours.
  • Due to the lengthy installation and deployment process, please submit requests at least 10 working days in advance. Last-minute requests will not be accepted.