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ISU Dissertation and Thesis


I-Shou University is cooperating with Airiti Inc. on offering online viewing/ reading/ downloading for users. The system starts from the second semester of the academic year 2013. This new dissertation/thesis system is a "non-exclusive license". The website of the new dissertation/thesis system: Electronic Thesis Service system, or copy the URL: and paste it into the address bar.

You still can authorize your Dissertation and Thesis to other organizations such as the National Library.

National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan, including the full text of the I-Shou University's theses and dissertations from the first semester of the 2009 academic year to the first semester of the 2013 academic year (Other academic year is subject to the self-authorization of the Doctoral and Master’s students).

Contact US

Medical Campus 07-6151100 #3575 Mr. Zhang  
